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Friday, March 19, 2010

Utopian Economy and Daily Life

In Cluose we have no economy.Everything is provided. Children start school at 5 and end school at 16. We have three separate schools ages 5-7 is Taquito School, ages 8-12 is Burrito School, and ages 13-16 is Taco School. School starts at 9:00 A.M. and ends at 12:00 P.M. Peoples jobs are decided by whatever jobs are available. We have a set number of people at each job. As the population goes up so does the amount of people at each job. As there is no money whatever job you have doesn't matter. People work so Cluose will survive. Everyone is treated equally except for the president and the council of elders who get more protection. Doctors visit every house every week for a check-up. The only people who are aloud to leave Cluose are The Mangosta, farmers, and hunters. They leave on The Ravioli up to the island to get food for the Cluosions (clu-O-shi-ons). The Mangosta patrol the city and protect it from sharks with crocodile legs known as hatari. If a citizen chooses to be a Mangosta he must go to Mangosta school for 4 more years.

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