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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Utopian Organization

our people are governed by a council of elders who the public know nothing about (not true they announce who is in it when that person gets put into the council of elders). The people will elect a president every ten years who will answer to the council without the peoples knowledge every two years the people can choose revolt and get rid of the president if so then he will be next in line to be an elder. There is no race because after thirty two generations any race has vanished anyone who breaks the law will be sent to a camp for seventy days where they will work in the hewa mines all disabilities will be cared for by the crimson sword (kinda like the red cross)also you may notice a lot of typos well in the city of Cluose we don't judge(unless,its funny)so leave me a response, also Amigop I will be coming out with the code of laws soon so check it out.Amigop B out!

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