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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Questions Answered

1. Why a Mongoosedog? The Mongoose represents how we can live together in a colony, the dog represents the loving spirit of the Cluosions.
2.Why the taco? The taco shell is fragile if you break it you can't eat the inside but if you hold it tenderly with love and care you get to taste the delicious insides.
3. Who do Cluosions live with? The child moves out of their parents house at 17. The child may get married at any time after that and they live with there wife and kids. There is a limit to how many children a family can have . 5.
4.Why don't we live anywhere else? We see no reason to leave the area as the world outside is dangerous and it would extremely hard to escape the landscape. We see exploration as a way to say that we see a flaw in our way of life. If we had a problem we would fix it.

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